Ben Radebe

Udumo Malube kuNkulunkulu

Siyambonga uNkulunkulu owasiholela kule ndawo

Ekhaya kuse Mzimkhulu. Ngangingakaze ngizwe ngemishini yakwa Sizabantu. Ubaba uDahl nowakwakhe eHarding babefuna ibhasi elalizoletha abazalwane bakwa Sizabantu kule mission eseKranskop. Nganginebhasi elincane elilayisha 22 wabantu ngaleso sikhathi. Baliqasha, kwakungo Septemba ka 2007. Umshayeli walo washonelwa isihlobo sakhe kuzona lezo zintsuku futhi kwakuzongcwatshwa kuyona leyo mpelasonto. Ngaphoqeleka ukuba ngizishayelele mina ukuletha abazalwane emishini kwaSizabantu.

Ngathinteka eholo lokudlela, lapho sishaye ulayini abamhlophe nabantsundu sizodla kudla kunye nangezitsha ezifanayo. Kwakuyinto engajwayelekile, futhi abanye abamhlophe babekhuluma isiZulu. Bonke abantu babethokozile. Ngathintwa nayintshumayelo kababa umfundisi uStegen nawuthando lwabazalwane balapha. Ngashayela unkosikazi ucingo ngesimanga engisizwa lapha ngisho nasemoyeni wami. Ngabona ubaba uMdlalose ongawekho emhlabeni ezihlalele nje ngemuva kwesidlo sasemini ngosuku lwesibili ngilapha emishini. Ngangingamazi ukuthi ungumlungisisi, kodwa ngaqonda kuye ngathulula okwakungesinda emphefumulweni. Futhi ngangingakaze ngitshelwe muntu ngokuvuma izono, kwazenzekela. Wangeluleka ngokuhlakanipha okukhulu, izeluleko zakhe zangisiza ngisazikhumbula nanamuhla, wabe esekhuleka nami ngawuzwa umthwalo wehla emahlombe ami.

Sesibuyela emuva sasinobunye nalaba bazalwane kusengathi sikhonza ndawonye. Ngababuza ukuthi bakhonzela kuphi ngamasonto bangiyalela. Ngaya nomndeni wami ngeSonto elilandelayo asiphindanga sangaya enkonzweni. Sathanda ukuthi abantwana bethu bafunde kule ndawo. Nembala safaka izicelo bathathwa. Asizisoli ngokufunda kwabo eDomino Servite School ekule mishini. Omunye wamadodana ethu waze waya eNgilandi ngoba bewine kweze Technology bashaya emakhanda zonke izikole ezazikhona zase South Africa yonkana.

Wasisiza uNkulunkulu nasemshadweni. Sasihlala sixabana njalo, singenakho ukuthula. Manje sesihlala ngokuthula, asazi singambonga ngani uNkulunkulu ngeNdodana yaKhe eyasifela esiphambanweni ukuze sikhululwe ebugqileni besono. Sibonga ivangeli elashunyayelwa lapha elikubeka ngokusobala ukuthi “uma unento ngakumfowenu buyisana naye kuqala kandukuba use umnikelo wakho kuNkulunkulu.” UDUMO MALUBE KUNKULUNKULU NJALO!!!

Ben no Nomthandazo Radebe

We thank the Lord for leading us to this place

My home is at Mzimkhulu. I had never heard of KwaSizabantu Mission before. Mr Dahl and his wife from Harding were looking for a bus to take the brethren to this mission station near Kranskop. I had a small bus at the time that could take 22 people. They rented it in September 2007, but the driver lost a relative who was to be buried on the weekend, so I had to drive the bus myself and take the brethren to KwaSizabantu Mission

I was moved when I saw the dining hall, where white and black people lined up and ate from the same dishes. It was also a strange thing to see some of the white people speaking isiZulu. Everyone had such joy. I was deeply moved by the preaching of Reverend Stegen and of the love of the co-workers. I phoned my wife and told her about the amazing things I had experienced at this place, even in my spiritual life. I saw the late Mr Mdlalose sitting at the back of the dining hall on the afternoon of the second day. I did not know that he was a counsellor, but I went straight to him and poured out my heart to him. Also, I had never been told about confession of sins, it just happened. He gave me good advice which helped me and which I remember to this day. He prayed with me and I felt a burden lift off my shoulders.

When we drove home, we were one with the brethren and worshipped together with them. I asked them where they go to church and they directed me to the branch of Kwasizabantu in our area. The following week I went there with my family and we never missed a single service. We wanted our children to go to school at Kwasizabantu Mission. We sent an application to the school and our children were accepted. We have no regrets that they went to school at Domino Servite School at KwaSizabantu Mission. One of our sons even went to England when he won the Technology Olympiad and beat all the other schools in South Africa.

The Lord also helped us in our marriage. We used to argue all the time and there was no harmony. Now there is peace in our home – we do not know how to thank the Lord and His Son Who died for us to free us from our sins. We are grateful for the gospel preached here which clearly states that “if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and while there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there at the altar and go. First make peace with your brother, and then come and present your offering.” MAY ALL GLORY BE TO GOD ALWAYS!

Ben and Nomthandazo Radebe