Ali Desiatnikov

The Lord Made Everything New

I came to Kwasizabantu mission in 1999. After invitation of brethren when they came to visit us here in Tulsa Oklahoma in 1998. I was deeply touched by the message, heavenly light touched my heart, and began to work in my life.

I was deep in to my sin, depression, suicidal thoughts, porn addict, unbalanced in life, addicted to all sort of nonsense… and filled with unclean spirits. Even though I was called Christian & was able to pray in tongues I had no good fruit that accompany my life, I was miserable.

As I counselled with a co-worker from Kwasizabantu, received prayer and was able to open my heart about all my secret sin life and sinful thoughts. I felt this burden was just taken off my shoulders. My heart began to experience transformation, I could see color of life. I can see beauty around me, trees, smell of an ocean.

The Lord made everything new. He made me successful in my land of sorrow. I am a proud father of four children & successful small businessman.

I continue to visit the mission and have good friendship with everyone there. I love them all dearly, Zulu people, Indian people, white or colored, it's a wonderful unity I have never seen in all my Christian life.

This place is a place where we who are in the dark can experience light.

Ali Desiatnikov

Ali Desiatnikov
Ali Desiatnikov
Ali Desiatnikov