Mfanfikile Khomo

Kuyilapho Nami Ngasizakala Khona


Ngizonithi hlephu ngendawo yaKwasizabantu, hleze kanazi eyikho kimi nabaholi bayo.

Ngizalelwe e-Hammarsdale, sibane kithi, abafana abathathu nentombazane, endala, ngingowesithathu.

Ngiqale ukuhlupha ngifunda u-STD 1, ngibalekela isikole, ngishaya izingane, ngilwa nasekhaya, ngelinye ilanga ngangifuna ukugenca umama ngocelemba (nginamahloni ukusho lokhu ngendlela angithanda ngayo).

Ngenxa yezinto ebengizizwa phambi kokhetho luka-1994, nangendlela ebengicindezeleke ngayo ngezinto eziningi ebengihlangana nazo njengengane, ngazama ukuzibulala ngokudla insizi ye-battery, kodwa umama wangisiza lapho esengibambile ukuthi ngiyazibulala.

Umndeni nezihlobo nomakhelwane bazama behluleka ukungisiza, qondana nokuthanda isikole, umama wangiyisa e-Claremont ukuze ngifunde ngihlala Phakathi esikoleni, umkhwenyana wakithi ubesebenza ehlala khona, nalapho ngeqa ngabaleka sesixabane.

Ngabuyiselwa e-Bulwer lapho sasakhe khona, nakhona ngaba luhlupho, sengifunda e-high school (Sqhoza Secondary) ngaqala ukugolozela othisha, futhi besengintshontsha noma yini engibona ukuthi ngingayithatha, impahla yesikole, izinto zezinye izingane nokunye, nginodlame, futhi ngingasasifuni ngempela isikole.

Konke lokhu abasekhaya bebethi uma beya kozwa kwabanamanga, kuthiwe kumele ngiyothwasa.

Ngo-2000 kwahlasela imimoya emibi ezikoleni zangakithti, kwakuhayiza amantombazane, kwezinye nabafana nothisha.

Yazanywa yonke imizamo, kodwa akusizanga, kwakungasafundeki, babethi babona abantu abangenamehlo bayababiza.

Isigcino kwafika abantu baKwasizabantu, kuyilapho nami ngasizakala khona, umphefumulo wami wathola into engangikade ngiyifuna, kodwa ngingazi ukuthi kuyini, futhi ngingakwazi ukuchazela muntu ngayo.

Kusukela lapho impilo yami yaguquka ngayeka ukweba, ngabuyisela izinto zokwebiwa kubantu, ngabuyela kubantu engangibonile ngaxolisa, esikoleni ngaguquka ngaba yisethenjwa sesikole, okhiye besikole bebehlala kimi, ngaphandle kowehhovisi likathishanhloko, yimi engangifika kuqala ngize ngihambe ekugcineni, ngenxa yevangeli elashunyayelwa ngabantu baKwasizabantu, kwamatikuletsheni ngaphumelela kunabo bonke abafundi bonyaka wami.


Ngikwa-STD 9 ngezwa ubizo lokushumayela ivangeli Kwasizabantu, ngazama ukwala, ngibeka izaba eziningi, njengokuthi ngizophila kanjani? Ngizoba yini? Ngoba bengazi ukuthi uma ngibizwa nguNkulunkulu, kumele kusale okwami.

Wangigoba ngoMathewu 6:19-33.

Ngenxa yalokho ngagcina ngashiya konke, noma kwakungelula, ngoba bengithi ngiyofunda ngize ngigogode, nginikele ngemali eningi isekele umsebenzi weNkosi, kodwa iNkosi yathi ifuna mina uqobo, hhayi imali yami.

Kuze kube manje ngomusa weNkosi, ngikhona Kwasizabantu, ngihlezi kahle, sengize ngaba nomndeni, izingane zami zifunda e-DSS zonke, zithokozile futhi zikhaliphile ngenxa yemfundo yakhona.

Mfanfikile Khomo


My Repentance

I would like to share with you all that Kwasizabantu and its leaders are to me.

I was born at Hammarsdale. I have three siblings, my sister who is the oldest, and 2 brothers. I am the third child.

I started being troublesome when I was in STD 1. I ran away from school, hit other children and I even fought at home. One day I wanted to hack my mother with a machete (I am ashamed to say this, as she loves me dearly).

Because of the feelings I had before the 1994 election, and because of depression caused by things I had experienced as a child, I tried to commit suicide by eating battery acid. My mother, however,  helped when she caught me trying to commit suicide.

My family, friends, and neighbours tried and failed to help me. Because of my love for school, my mother took me to Claremont to study. I lived there as it was a boarding school. My bother-in-law worked and lived there too. There as well, I ran away after an argument with him.

I was sent back to Bulwer where our home was. I was troublesome. In high school (Sqhoza Secondary) I started harassing the teachers, and I would steal anything I could – school supplies, other children’s belongings and so on. I was violent, and I did not really want to go to school anymore.

In all of this, when my family members went to ‘sangomas’ they were told that I had to be trained as a ‘sangoma’. In the year 2000, evil spirits attacked schools in our area. The girls were screaming and sometimes even the boys and teachers too.

Everything was tried, but to no avail. Learning and teaching was impossible, the learners and taechers saying they were seeing people with no eyes calling them.

Finally people of Kwasizabantu came. That was when I too received help. My soul found what I had been looking for, although I did not know what the need was or how to explain it to anyone.

From that moment my life changed. I stopped stealing and returned the goods I had stolen. I returned to those I had stolen from, and apologized. At school I became trusted. The school keys stayed with me, except for the principal’s office. I was the first to arrive at school and last to leave, because of the gospel preached by the people from Kwasizabantu. I matriculated in first position.

My Calling

When I was doing STD 9 I felt the calling to preach the gospel at Kwasizabantu. I tried to deny it, making many excuses, such as, “How am I going to live? What will I be?” Because I knew that if I was called by God, my own ambitions and desires had to stay behind.

The Lord bent me with Matthew 6: 19-33.

Because of this, I forsook everything, even though it was not easy. I had been planning to study until I graduated and donate a lot of money to support the Lord’s work, but the Lord said He wanted me, not my money.

Till now, by the grace of the Lord, I am still in Kwasizabantu. I am well, I have a family, my children are all studying at DSS, and they are happy and are smart because of their education.