Reitumetse Lefa

I Was Once Lost But Now I’m Found

I was once lost but now I’m found

I came to know about Mission KwaSizabantu Goldfields in Virginia Free State in 2012, I was fifteen years of age that time, I came and I experienced such peace, love, unity and also joy. The people live in harmony with each other.

The Lord has helped me so much and He is still helping me even today. I grew up under a non-Christian family where there was fighting and drinking all the time, especially during the weekends.

At a very young age I got hooked by pornography, I was bound to watch or look at it every single day, I remember I started to be very aggressive and I will fight and beat other children. I also performed very bad at school but then I cared less because I wanted to feed my addiction “ THE LUST THAT WAS IN MY HEART AND MIND” I even lied to my mother telling her that if she doesn’t buy me a cell phone I am going to fail, that was when I was in Grade 11, the reason for me to say that was that I wanted to watch it freely on my own cellphone.

By God’s Grace I passed my grade 11 and my Matric even though I got poor marks. At the Mission we were taught how a child of God should live, but as for me my heart was still hardened as I was still living to please the world. I came to a point where I wanted to give up on my life, but one day as I was reading my Bible, I came across these verses in Isaiah 60 verse 22 “At the right time, I the Lord, will make it happen”. (NLT BIBLE)
Isaiah 65 verse 24 “Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear”.

In 2014 I got an opportunity to visit Mission KwaSizabantu in KwaZulu-Natal, it was youth services and was really a blessed time for me, the singing and the preaching was marvellous in such a way that I felt like I was knocking on heaven’s door. I really had a good and a wonderful time there, the people there don’t judge you by your appearance, but they love and appreciate you as you are. They teach and tell you about the Lord, how He died for our sins to set us free and that if we stay faithful to the Lord we will have eternal life as the Lord Himself has promised us, and we should live a pure life. I’m thankful to the Lord for what He has done for me, He has changed my life and made everything new. And I’m living happily at the Mission, I don’t have stress, and I even have a job and I’m very grateful for everything the Lord has done for me through the Mission.

I don’t think there’s something that can come between me and the truth of the Lord which is preached at this place. I pray that the Lord will help me to stay faithful and live in honour and glory of His name. I have been to many places and Churches, but I have never come across a place like this one where the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ is preached as it is from the Bible. The Lord truly reigns over this place.

I’m now free from the burden I was carrying on my shoulders, I’m a living testimony to everyone who knows how I was before and how I am now, all of these things were made possible by the grace that the Lord had shown to me.

And this verse blesses me so much “PSALM 139: 23-24” “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting”.

It’s my prayer that the Lord will be with KWASIZABANTU MISSION and keep on blessing it till the Son of Man returns.

Reitumetse Lydia Lefa, Bronville Welkom.